चिरंजीवी योजना हेल्थ पैकेज विवरण | 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज

Rajasthan Swasthya Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana

राजस्थान सरकार (Government of Rajasthan) द्वारा शनिवार 1 मई 2021 को प्रदेशवासियों के स्वास्थ्य को लेकर बहुत बड़ी लाभकारी एवं हित प्रभावी योजना की शुरुआत की गई। जिसे मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना (Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana) का नाम दिया गया है। योजना के अंतर्गत प्रदेशवासियों को छोटी से छोटी बीमारी से लेकर बड़ी व गंभीर बीमारियों के लिए ₹25 लाख का हेल्थ कवर बीमा दिया जाता है। (Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimariyan suchi) राज्य सरकार चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत तकरीबन 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज नि:शुल्क उपलब्ध करवा रही है। जिनमें गंभीर बीमारियां जैसे कोविड-19, ब्लैक फंगस, कैंसर, पैरालाइसिस, हार्ट सर्जरी, न्यूरो सर्जरी, ऑर्गन ट्रांसप्लांट आदि शामिल है। इसके अतिरिक्त ऐसी कई बीमारियां है जो योजना पैकेज में शामिल नहीं की गई है। इन सभी का विवरण आप इस लेख में जानने वाले हैं।

आइए जानते हैं, राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत कौन-कौन सी बीमारियों का इलाज होता है? किन बीमारियों का इलाज चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना में शामिल नहीं है? बीमारी इलाज हेतु कैसे आवेदन कर सकते हैं? गंभीर बीमारी होने पर आवेदक को क्या करना चाहिए? चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना से जुड़ी सभी बीमारियों का विवरण जानने के लिए आप इस लेख में अंत तक बने रहे।

चिरंजीवी योजना नया अपडेट 2023 | बजट घोषणा 2023 के अनुसार

चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत अब 25 लाख तक निःशुल्क ईलाज होगा। राज्य सरकार द्वारा बजट 2023 की घोषणा में Chiranjeevi Yojana से होने वाले 10 लाख की सहायता राशि को 25 लाख करने का निर्णय लिया हैं। इसी के साथ चिरंजीवी दुर्घटना बीमा को 5 लाख से बढाकर 10 लाख कर दिया गया है। हेल्थ पैकज में कैंसर जैसी गंभीर बीमारी को भी शामिल किया गया हैं।

See also  राजस्थान उत्तर मैट्रिक छात्रवृत्ति योजना 2022 | Post Matric Scholarship Online Application Form

चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना में कौन-कौन सी बीमारी शामिल है? Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana me koun koun si bomariyan shamil hai

Mukhemantri Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana के अंतर्गत तकरीबन सभी बीमारियों के 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज बनाए गए हैं। जिसमें गंभीर से गंभीर बीमारियों को शामिल किया गया है। अतः यह कहना मुश्किल है, कि कौन सी बीमारी चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल नहीं की गई है। ऐसा हेल्थ पैकेज को देखकर कहा भी नहीं जा सकता। योजना के अंतर्गत हाल ही में राज्य सरकार द्वारा दिए गए अपडेट के अनुसार कोविड-19 तथा इससे होने वाले ब्लैक फंगस जैसी खतरनाक बीमारी को भी Chiranjeevi Yojana के अंतर्गत शामिल कर लिया गया है। इसी के साथ पहले ऑर्गन ट्रांसप्लांट, न्यूरो सर्जरी जैसी गहन सर्जरी योजना में शामिल नहीं की गई थी। परंतु अब चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत सभी बीमारियों को कवर किया जा चुका है। एक लाभार्थी परिवार वर्ष भर में ₹25 लाख रुपए गंभीर बीमारी होने पर फ्री इलाज प्राप्त कर सकता है।

Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimariyan suchi 2023 | चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना में शामिल बीमारियां लिस्ट 2023

Mukhemantri Chiranjeevi Yojana के अंतर्गत हाल ही में नए 18 पैकेज जोड़े गए हैं। जिनमें न्यूरो सर्जरी, हार्ट सर्जरी, किडनी ट्रांसफर, कैंसर में काम आने वाली पेट स्कैन, जैसी महंगी जांच और उपचार शामिल कर दिए गए हैं। साथ ही हिमोडायलिसिस पैकेज के लिए काम आने वाला एंथ्रोपॉीन इंजेक्शन, हृदय रोग से जुड़ी एंजियोग्राफी भी पैकेज के दौरान की जा सकेगी। योजना में बनाए गए नए 18 पैकेज के साथ-साथ 210 हेल्थ पैकेज पर हॉस्पिटल रेट को भी बढ़ाया गया है। जिससे अस्पताल मरीजों को सही से सुविधा दे सकते हैं। इसके लिए राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा 350 करोड़ रुपए का अधिक बाहर वाहन किया जाएगा।

See also  UP: Bal Shramik Vidya Yojana 2023 | निःशुल्क शिक्षा + 1200 रु अनुदान | जाने योजना की पूरी जानकारी

Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana Bimari list | चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना बीमारी लिस्ट देखें

राजस्थान स्वास्थ्य चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना (Rajasthan Swasthya Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana) के अंतर्गत शामिल की गई सभी बीमारियों की लिस्ट ऑफिशल वेबसाइट से आसानी से देख सकते हैं। ऑफिशियल साइट से बीमारियों की लिस्ट देखने के लिए नीचे दी गई प्रक्रिया ध्यान पूर्वक फॉलो करें। आपको संपूर्ण हेल्थ पैकेज दिखाई देंगे।

  • सर्वप्रथम चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना की ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर विजिट करें।
  • ऑफिशल वेबसाइट होम पेज पर मैंने बाद में दिखाई दे रहे योजना विवरण सेक्शन में योजना अंतर्गत पैकेज विकल्प पर क्लिक करें।
  • क्लिक करने के पश्चात आपको पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करने का विकल्प दिखाई देगा।
  • योजना अंतर्गत हेल्थ पैकेज में तकरीबन 7 कोल्लम बनाए जा चुके हैं जिनमें:-
  • MM-CSBY नए जोड़े गए पैकेज और संशोधित पैकेज दर सूची।
  • AB-MGRSBY के नए चरण के लिए प्रक्रियाओं, दरों और न्यूनतम दस्तावेज़। प्रोटोकॉल और अन्य विवरणों सहित पैकेज।
  • एबी-एमजीआरएसबीवाई 4 अतिरिक्त पैकेज।
  • बेस पैकेज कोड और नाम के साथ इम्प्लांट पैकेज कोड।
  • प्रत्यारोपण विवरण।
  • मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजी के लिए अवधि और चक्र।
  • विशेष शर्तें और पॉपअप।
  • दी गई विकल्प में सभी बीमारियों के पैकेज सम्मिलित है।
  • अतः दिए गए विकल्प पर क्लिक करें।
  • आप के समय समस्त हेल्थ पैकेज बीमारियों का विवरण दिखाई देगा।

List of Chirnjeevi Yojana

  1  28440000039  FRA00012D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Radical  28440000028
  2  28440000039  FRA00012D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Neoadjuvant  28440000005
  3  28440000039  FRA00012D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Adjuvant  28440000029
  4  28440000040  FRA00022D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Radical  28440000002
  5  28440000040  FRA00022D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Adjuvant  28440000003
  6  28440000040  FRA00022D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Neoadjuvant  28440000004
  7  28440000033  FRA0003Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical  28440000009
  8  28440000033  FRA0003Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant  28440000010
  9  28440000033  FRA0003Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant  28440000011
  10  28440000034  FRA0004Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical  28440000006
  11  28440000034  FRA0004Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant  28440000007
  12  28440000034  FRA0004Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant  28440000008
      13      28440000035      FRA0005Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical      28440000012
      14      28440000035      FRA0005Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant      28440000013
      15      28440000035      FRA0005Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant      28440000014
      16      28440000036      FRA0006Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical      28440000015
      17      28440000036      FRA0006Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant      28440000016
      18      28440000036      FRA0006Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant      28440000017
      19      28440000031      FRA0007Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical      28440000018
      20      28440000031      FRA0007Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant      28440000019
      21      28440000031      FRA0007Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant      28440000020
      22      28440000032      FRA0008Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical      28440000021
      23      28440000032      FRA0008Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant      28440000022
      24      28440000032      FRA0008Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant      28440000023
      25      28440000038      FRA0009SRT / SBRT with IGRT (Stereotacatic radiotherapy) (4 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) SRT / SBRT with IGRT (Stereotacatic radiotherapy)      28440000024
    26    28440000037    FRA0010Respiratory Gating along with Linear Accelerator planning (5 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Respiratory Gating along with Linear Accelerator planning    28440000025
    27    28440000030    FRA0011Brachytherapy High Dose Radiation (5 doses) (Inclusive of Simulation, Planning Cost, OT & other charges )-Interstitial    28440000026
    28    28440000030    FRA0011Brachytherapy High Dose Radiation (5 doses) (Inclusive of Simulation, Planning Cost, OT & other charges )-Surface Mould    28440000027
2928310000005IMP0002Balloon Dilatation-Coartication of Aorta28310000027
3028310000005IMP0002Balloon Dilatation-Pulmonary Artrey Stenosis28310000028
  31  28310000005  IMP0002Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Pulmonary Valvotomy  28310000029
3228310000005IMP0002Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Aortic Valvotomy28310000030
3328310000006IMP0003Balloon Dilatation-Coartication of Aorta28310000027
3428310000006IMP0003Balloon Dilatation-Pulmonary Artrey Stenosis28310000028
  35  28310000006  IMP0003Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Pulmonary Valvotomy  28310000029
3628310000006IMP0003Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Aortic Valvotomy28310000030
3728310000012IMP0004PTCA, inclusive of the diagnostic angiogram28310000032
3828310000013IMP0005PTCA, inclusive of the diagnostic angiogram28310000032
3928320000009IMP0013Aortic Root Replacement Surgery- Bental Procedure28320000101
4028320000009IMP0013Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Dissection28320000102
4128320000009IMP0013Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Aneurysm28320000103
4228320000009IMP0013Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Valve sparing root replacement28320000104
4328320000009IMP0013Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-AVR + Root enlargement28320000105
  44  28320000011  IMP0016Surgical Correction of Category – I Congenital Heart Disease -Pulmonary Artery Banding  28320000055
    45    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)    28320000106
  46  28320000011  IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass  28320000107
    47    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)    28320000108
    48    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Left Heart Bypass    28320000109
4928320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass28320000110
5028320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy28320000111
5128320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision28320000112
5228320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair28320000113
5328320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair28320000114
5428320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair28320000115
5528320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair28320000116
5628320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair28320000117
5728320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair28320000118
5828320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair28320000119
5928320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass28320000120
6028320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass28320000124
6128320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass28320000121
6228320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass28320000122
6328320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass28320000123
6428320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L28320000124
6528320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L28320000125
6628320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass28320000126
6728320000011IMP0016Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass28320000127
    68    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)    28350000128
  69  28320000011  IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass  28350000129
    70    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)    28350000130
    71    28320000011    IMP0016Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Left Heart Bypass    28350000131
  72  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  73  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  74  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  75  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  76  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  77  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  78  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  79  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  80  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  81  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  82  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  83  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  84  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  85  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  86  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  87  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  88  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  89  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  90  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  91  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  92  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  93  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  94  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  95  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  96  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  97  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  98  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  99  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  100  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  101  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  102  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  103  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  104  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  105  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  106  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  107  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  108  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  109  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  110  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  111  28320000023  IMP0017Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
11228320000023IMP0017Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve28320000096
11328320000023IMP0017Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve28320000097
11428320000023IMP0017Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve28320000098
      115      28320000023      IMP0017Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000099
      116      28320000023      IMP0017Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000100
  117  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  118  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  119  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  120  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  121  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  122  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  123  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  124  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  125  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  126  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  127  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  128  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  129  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  130  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  131  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  132  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  133  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  134  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  135  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  136  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  137  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  138  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  139  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  140  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  141  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  142  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  143  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  144  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  145  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  146  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  147  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  148  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  149  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  150  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  151  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  152  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  153  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  154  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  155  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  156  28320000024  IMP0018Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
15728320000024IMP0018Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve28320000096
15828320000024IMP0018Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve28320000097
15928320000024IMP0018Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve28320000098
      160      28320000024      IMP0018Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000099
      161      28320000024      IMP0018Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000100
  162  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  163  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  164  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  165  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  166  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  167  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  168  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  169  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  170  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  171  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  172  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  173  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  174  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  175  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  176  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  177  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  178  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  179  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  180  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  181  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  182  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  183  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  184  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  185  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  186  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  187  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  188  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  189  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  190  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  191  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  192  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  193  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  194  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  195  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  196  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  197  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  198  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  199  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  200  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  201  28320000027  IMP0020Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
20228320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass28320000110
20328320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy28320000111
20428320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision28320000112
20528320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair28320000113
20628320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair28320000114
20728320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair28320000115
20828320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair28320000116
20928320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair28320000117
21028320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair28320000118
21128320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair28320000119
21228320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass28320000120
21328320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass28320000124
21428320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass28320000121
21528320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass28320000122
21628320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass28320000123
21728320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L28320000124
21828320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L28320000125
21928320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass28320000126
22028320000027IMP0020Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass28320000127
22128320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass28320000110
22228320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy28320000111
22328320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision28320000112
22428320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair28320000113
22528320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair28320000114
22628320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair28320000115
22728320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair28320000116
22828320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair28320000117
22928320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair28320000118
23028320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair28320000119
23128320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass28320000120
23228320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass28320000124
23328320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass28320000121
23428320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass28320000122
23528320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass28320000123
23628320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L28320000124
23728320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L28320000125
23828320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass28320000126
23928320000025IMP0021Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass28320000127
  240  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  241  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  242  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  243  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  244  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  245  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  246  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  247  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  248  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  249  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  250  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  251  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  252  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  253  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  254  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  255  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  256  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  257  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  258  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  259  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  260  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  261  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  262  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  263  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  264  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  265  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  266  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  267  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  268  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  269  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  270  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  271  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  272  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  273  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  274  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  275  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  276  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  277  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  278  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  279  28320000051  IMP0023Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
28028320000051IMP0023Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve28320000096
28128320000051IMP0023Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve28320000097
28228320000051IMP0023Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve28320000098
      283      28320000051      IMP0023Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000099
      284      28320000051      IMP0023Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000100
  285  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  286  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  287  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  288  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  289  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  290  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  291  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  292  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  293  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  294  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  295  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  296  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  297  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  298  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  299  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  300  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  301  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  302  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  303  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  304  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  305  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  306  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  307  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  308  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  309  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  310  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  311  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  312  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  313  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  314  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  315  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  316  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  317  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  318  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  319  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  320  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  321  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  322  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  323  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  324  28320000052  IMP0024Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
32528320000052IMP0024Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve28320000097
      326      28320000052      IMP0024Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000099
      327      28320000052      IMP0024Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000100
  328  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair  28320000056
  329  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure  28320000057
  330  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure  28320000058
  331  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure  28320000059
  332  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure  28320000060
  333  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure  28320000061
  334  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair  28320000062
  335  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair  28320000063
  336  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair  28320000064
  337  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair  28320000065
  338  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn  28320000066
  339  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band  28320000067
  340  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure  28320000068
  341  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure  28320000069
  342  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection  28320000070
  343  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair  28320000071
  344  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation  28320000072
  345  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure  28320000073
  346  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure  28320000074
  347  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair  28320000075
  348  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure  28320000076
  349  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure  28320000077
  350  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair  28320000078
  351  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair  28320000079
  352  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure  28320000080
  353  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure  28320000081
  354  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit  28320000082
  355  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure  28320000083
  356  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure  28320000084
  357  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure  28320000085
  358  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure  28320000086
  359  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure  28320000087
  360  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair  28320000088
  361  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair  28320000089
  362  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair  28320000090
  363  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair  28320000091
  364  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair  28320000092
  365  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation  28320000093
  366  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation  28320000094
  367  28320000053  IMP0025Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation  28320000095
36828320000053IMP0025Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve28320000098
      369      28320000053      IMP0025Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000099
      370      28320000053      IMP0025Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement      28320000100
37128350000117IMP0033Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap.28410000220
37228350000117IMP0033Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap.28350000132
37328350000076IMP0037Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap.28410000220
37428350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Epigastric28410000221
37528350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Umbilical28410000222
37628350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Paraumbilical28410000223
37728350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Spigelian28410000224
37828350000076IMP0037Repair of Incisional Hernia28410000225
37928350000076IMP0037Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Open28380000037
38028350000076IMP0037Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Lap.28380000038
38128350000076IMP0037Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap.28350000132
38228350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Epigastric28350000133
38328350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Umbilical28350000134
38428350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Paraumbilical28350000135
38528350000076IMP0037Hernia – Ventral-Spigelian28350000136
38628350000076IMP0037Repair of Incisional Hernia28350000137
38728350000076IMP0037Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Open28460000002
38828350000076IMP0037Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Lap.28460000003
38928390000002IMP0045SFIOL (inclusive of Vitrectomy)28390000003
39028460000011IMP0053Stress incontinence surgery-Stress incontinence surgery – Open28450000236
39128460000011IMP0053Stress incontinence surgery-Stress incontinence surgery – Open28460000001
39228450000035IMP0071Chemo Port Insertion28450000235
39328450000036IMP0072Chemo Port Insertion28450000235
39428370000033IMP0074CranioPlasty-CranioPlasty with Exogenous graft28370000087
39528370000034IMP0075Duroplasty-Duroplasty with Exogenous graft28370000088
39628370000014IMP0076Aneurysm Clipping including angiogram28370000090
39728370000035IMP0080Transoral surgery (Anterior) and CV Junction (Posterior Sterilisation)28370000089
  398  28490000007  IMP0084Coil embolization for aneurysms (includes cost of first 3 coils + balloon and / or stent if used)  28490000018
      399      28490000007      IMP0084Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with coils. [includes 5 coils, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items]      28490000019
      400      28490000007      IMP0084Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotid-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with balloon (includes one balloon, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items)      28490000020
40128400000028IMP0099Fracture – Long Bones – Metaphyseal – ORIF28400000042
40228400000022IMP0123Growth Modulation and fixation28400000047
40328400000019IMP0125Cervical spine fixation including odontoid28400000043
40428400000018IMP0126Cervical spine fixation including odontoid28400000043
40528400000020IMP0130Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior28400000044
40628400000020IMP0130Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior28400000045
40728400000021IMP0131Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior28400000044
40828400000021IMP0131Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior28400000045
40928400000024IMP0132Spine deformity correction28400000046
41028400000023IMP0133Spine deformity correction28400000046
41128310000010IMP0145PDA stenting28310000031
41228310000011IMP0146PDA stenting28310000031

FAQ’s Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimariyan suchi

Q. चिरंजीवी योजना में कौनकौन सी बीमारियों का इलाज होता है?

Ans. चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत छोटी से छोटी व गंभीर बीमारियों का इलाज शामिल है। जिसमें तकरीबन 18 नए पैकेज और जोड़े गए हैं। कुल मिलाकर अब 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज पर चिरंजीवी योजना का लाभ दिया जा रहा है। जिसमें कोविड-19 से लेकर न्यूरो सर्जरी सभी इलाज शामिल किए गए।

See also  राजस्थान में पशु किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड कैसे बनवाएं | Rajasthan Pashu Kisan Credit Card 2023 | उद्देश्य | पात्रता | जरुरी दस्तावेज देखें

Q. चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना में कौन सी बीमारी का इलाज नहीं होता?

Ans. चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत प्रदेश सरकार ने तकरीबन सभी गंभीर बीमारियों को योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल किया है। अतः यह कहना मुश्किल है कि सरकार द्वारा किसी गंभीर बीमारी को योजना पैकेज के अंतर्गत जोड़ दिया गया हो। हां यह कह सकते हैं कि, चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत ₹10 लाख तक का ही इलाज संभव है। इसके अतिरिक्त खर्च होने पर मरीज को भुगतान करना होगा।

Q.  चिरंजीवी योजना शामिल बीमारियों की लिस्ट कैसे देखें?

Ans. चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत जो भी बीमारियां सम्मिलित है, उन सभी का विवरण ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर देखा जा सकता है। अतः आप ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर लॉगिन करें। मेनू बार में दिखाई दे रहे योजना विवरण में योजना अंतर्गत पैकेज पर क्लिक करें तथा संपूर्ण योजना में सम्मिलित बीमारियों की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर आपका कीमती समय देने के लिए धन्यवाद। इसी प्रकार के बेहतरीन सूचनाप्रद एवं ज्ञानवर्धक लेख easyhindi.in पर पढ़ते रहने के लिए इस वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क कर सकते हैं

12 thoughts on “चिरंजीवी योजना हेल्थ पैकेज विवरण | 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज

  1. क्या चिरंजीवी योजना में फ़िज़ियोथेरैपी शामिल है ?

  2. Daant sambandhit bimario ka ilaj shayad is list main jurne se rah Gaya hei. Daanton ki bimarion se Kai log grasit hein par unhen shayad ilaj se vanchit Kar diya Gaya hei.

  3. मुझे यह जानकारी उपलब्ध करवाए क्या चिरंजीवी योजना के अन्तर्गत किए जाने वाली शल्यक्रिया यानी ऑपरेशन के तहत कराए जाने वाले रिपोर्ट की राशि को चुकाना पड़ता है मरीज को या सारा खर्च सरकार वहन करती हैं

  4. क्या चिरंजीव योजना में गठिया बाव शामिल है इसका इलाज करवा सकते हैं संजीव योजना के तहत

  5. सर जी चिरंजीवी योजना के तहत इनफर्टिलिटी ब्लॉक यूटरस का इलाज हो सकता है

  6. क्या चिरजवी मे एक साथ विभिन्न बिमारियो का ईलाज हो सकता है

  7. चिरंजीवियों कार्ड के माध्यम से गठिया बाय बीमारियां का इलाज किया जा सकता है

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